SKB Rohstoff und Recycling GmbH
Rieselfeldallee 50, 79111 Freiburg. Germany
Phone: + 49-761-290 863-90
Fax: + 49-761-290 863-93
Managing Director:
David Schuler
Commercial register no .: Registration court Freiburg HRB 704629
VAT identification number
according to § 27 a sales tax law: DE 268 181 688
Website and illustrations
Ana Castro Carrancho
Portrait and architecture photography
Clemens Schüssler
Metal pictures ®SKB
Bridge image: angelabeauchamp79 at Pixabay
Wood image: paulbr75 at Pixabay
Paper picture: Hans at Pixabay
Tire image: Lars Eriksson at Pixabay
The content, composition, structure and presentation of the SKB website are protected by copyright. The reproduction and distribution of information or data (text, images, graphics, sound, video or animation files) without the prior written consent of SKB is prohibited. This also applies to the reproduction and distribution of extracts.
Disclaimer of Warranties
We are constantly checking and updating the information on our website. Despite all care, the information may have changed in the meantime. No liability or guarantee for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the information provided can therefore be assumed.
SKB is not responsible for the content and presentation of other websites to which reference is made via hyperlinks. We also assume no liability for information on third party websites that refer to the SKB websites via links.